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Practical training at Kosovo Correctional Center (Correctional Center in Lipjan)

On 21 June 2017, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with Kosovo Correctional Center, conducted training for newly appointed prosecutors at the respective Center.

The purpose of this training was to familiarize the newly appointed prosecutors with the work and mandate of the Correctional Center in general in particular with the work of the Correctional Center in Lipjan.

Initially, during this visit, the Director of the Correctional Center in Lipjan presented a short history of the establishment and development, the role and mandate of the center, the structure of its organization and functioning, as well as the categories of persons in the correctional center. In this context, the Director mentioned the challenges and difficulties that are currently facing in the fulfillment of their legal mandate. Whereas, participants were interested in asking questions about the work of the Correctional Center in Lipjan and cooperation with the judicial institutions.

Furthermore, the newly appointed prosecutors, together with the center staff, visited the premises of the institution, seeing in this form closely all the premises available by the Correctional Center in Lipjan, the conditions and activities the center provides for the persons staying at the center.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed prosecutors, ITP generation VI.


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