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Workshop on Drafting Normative Acts of the Academy of Justice

From 14 until 17 of June 2017, the Academy of Justice conducted a workshop on drafting by-laws deriving as an obligations after entering into force of the Law on the Academy of Justice.

During this workshop, the Committee for Normative Acts established by Managing Board of the Academy of Justice.

During this workshop, the Committee on Normative Acts established by the Academy's Managing Board together with the working group of Academy staff defined working methodology and drafted normative acts determined by the Law on the Academy of Justice as follows: Regulation on the Work of the Program Council of the Academy of Justice, Regulation on Trainers and Mentors, as well as the Regulation on Fees of Training for State Advocates and other Free Professions.

During this workshop, Commission also discussed the structure of the Regulation on Organization and Internal System of the Academy, providing the basic elements upon which this act will be drafted. This regulation will be the focus of the next workshop in order to meet the mandatory acts stipulated by the Law on the Academy of Justice.

During the analysis and the numerous discussions at the workshop, when drafting these acts, the Commission was guided by the principles and advanced standards for drafting legal norms in order to be clear, functional and practical.


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