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Application of covert investigation measures

On 05 September 2017, the Academy of Justice, within the Continuous Training Program, organized training on: "Application of Covert investigation measures".

The purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge of participants on the procedure for the implementation and application of these measures in order to clarify the dilemmas encountered in the case law.

During this training, was emphasized the importance of these measures and their fair implementation in practice, legal conditions and deadlines for issuing these measures, the types of all measures and investigation stages during which they could be authorized.

Further, were addresses legal conditions, the authorized persons for issuing covert measures, drafting of orders for the implementation of these measures, and the content of the request for authorization of the respective measures.

Training methodology was a combination of theory with practical court cases set out by the trainers in order to contribute to the standardization of work practices related to this field.

Beneficiaries of this training were the basic level judges and prosecutors as well as police officers from Kosovo Police. 

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