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Workshop for drafting the training program for administrative staff of courts and prosecutorial offices

On September 26-27th 2017, Academy of Justice in cooperation with GIZ conducted the Workshop on drafting the training program for administrative staff of courts and prosecutorial offices.

Purpose of this workshop was to set the structure of proposed modules that will be part of the training program for 2018, as well as drafting concept documents of these training modules that came as a result of the needs assessment conducted by the Twinning Project that supports Academy of Justice, and the needs assessment process conducted by the Academy of Justice in cooperation with Kosovo Judicial Council and the Prosecutorial Council with the support of international partners as well.

The workshop initially started with analysis of proposals and recommendations that came as a result of needs assessment mechanisms that served as basis to set the structure of the Training Program for 2018 for the Administrative Staff of Courts and Prosecutorial Offices.

Based on the foreseen structure for the training program, the concept of each module and sub-module was prepared, to include the following: Purpose of the training, listing the dilemmas and describe approach to address these training dilemmas, the concept also contains the training objectives, content, methodology for delivering the training, beneficiaries and duration of the training.

Participants at this training were trainers of the Academy of Justice coming from the community of judges and prosecutors, experts of other relevant fields, GIZ representatives, the Twinning Project, the JSSP project and the staff of Academy of Justice. 

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