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International Congress on Legal Education

From October 4th to 6th, 2017, in Istanbul was held the International Congress on: "Legal Education" organized by the Justice Academy of Turkey, this Congress has been attended also by the Academy of Justice as an institution dealing with judicial training.

This congress was attended by representatives of judicial training institutions, judges, prosecutors, deans, academics and students from different European countries and Asia.

In this event, the speakers focused particularly on the development of legal education at different historical periods, the current legal educational situation in different systems in the world, where the achievements and challenges in the field of legal education were presented either in the academic part which is carried out by education institutions, or even the practical part carried out in most of the countries by the institutions involved in judicial training.

Part of the congressional developments was also the organization of a round table discussion where judicial training institutions participated, presenting current developments, challenges and providing various recommendations for advancing the work of the institutions that organize the judicial training.


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