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EU Standards for the Initial Training of Judges and Prosecutors

13-14 December, The Workshop on the EU Standards for the Initial Training of Judges and Prosecutors is taking place organized under auspices of TAIEX (Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission). 

Purpose of the workshop was to enhance the participant’s knowledge on the EU Standards in relation to the EU Standards for selection and initial training of future judges and prosecutors, exchange of practices and best experiences on selection of the candidates in the initial training.

This workshop elaborates the EU standards on the initial training, selection process of candidates, entry exams, designing training modules, as well as initial training assessment and monitoring.

The seminar will provide a platform for exchange of best practice between representatives of judicial academies from the IPA countries and experts from the Belgian Judicial Training Institute; the European Judicial Training Network in Brussels; the Swedish Judiciary; the Dutch Training and Study Centre of the Judiciary; the French National School for Magistrates and the European School of Enforcement of Bulgaria.

Participants in this workshop are representatives of the Judicial Training Institutions from Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Macedonia.

Academy of Justice in this meeting is represented by Mr. Valon Kurtaj, Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, Valmira Pefqeli head of the Initial Training program and Melihate Rama, Head of the Continuous Training Division.

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