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Specialized training program on Public Procurement in Kosovo – Session I

On February 15-16 2018, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program conducted the first training session of the Specialized Training Program in Public Procurement in Kosovo.

Purpose of this training was to enhance the professional knowledge of participants related to planning of investigation, content of the investigation plan, prosecution, identification of information sources, as well as collection of evidence in the way that allow trial of criminal offences of misuse through public procurement to be made professionally and efficiently.

This two-day training covered the positive legislation on public procurement, procedures and stages of the public procurement and identification of corruption indicators that relate to public procurement. Principal attention was paid to primary legislation and the bylaws that regulate this area, public procurement procedures and the way in which the electronic public procurement platform operates.

In this context, it was elaborated on rules and technical specifications and the tender dossier, preparing the tender dossier and processing of a tender evaluation, notification, signing and enforcement of public contracts. The training focused also on elaboration of corruptive schemes and problems related to fraud, counterfeiting, the bid setting schemes, and factors that impact on occurrence of these crimes of corruption in public procurement.  

The training was delivered in form of interactive discussions where participants had the possibility of presenting the challenges and difficulties they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of basic instance from all regions of Kosovo.

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