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Inauguration of the Training room with ne IT equipment’s

On 30 March 2018, at the Academy of Justice was conducted the inauguration of the training room with new information technology equipment’s donated by the Project on Legal and Administrative Reform GIZ.

In this ceremony were present representatives of the Academy of Justice and representatives from the Project “Legal and Administrative Reform of GIZ   

Mr. Valon Kurtaj, the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the reception of the respective equipment’s, emphasizing that these equipment’s are very functional and facilitate the implementation of training activities. Whereas, Mr. Karl Weber, Director of the Project his appreciation that GIZ had the opportunity to cooperate with the Academy of Justice, and for providing its contribution with the IT equipment with the purpose of enabling the implementation of trainings in an interactive and practical manner.

Within this cooperation, GIZ financed the purchase of the following equipment’s: smart-board, laptop, photocopy, chanter, printer and other equipment’s.

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