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Curriculum development, adult learning

On March 7 2018, academy of Justice in cooperation with the State Department – Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT), Department of Justice – international Office for Narcotics and law Enforcement, conducted training of trainers on “Curriculum development – adult learning”.

Purpose of this training was enhancement of trainers knowledge on effective presentation during materials and use of modern training methodologies.

Training focused on setting the structure and preparing materials, preliminary process of drafting, setting participants, training objectives, best ways of preparing and using power points, presentation skills and use of power point, presentation skills and approach.

The training was delivered using combined methods of presentation of theory with hypothetical cases, interactive discussions, questions raised by trainers and participants of the training.

This training was delivered by experts of the judicial training area.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of different instances, trainers at the Academy of Justice.

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