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Practical training of newly appointed judges at High Security Prison

On 21 March 2018, the Academy of Justice within the Initial Training Program of newly appointed judges, conducted a practical training at the High Security Prison.

The purpose of this training was to inform the newly appointed judges with the role, work and responsibilities foreseen for the High Security Prison.

During this visit, the Prison Director presented a short history of the establishment, the structure of its organization and functioning, highlighting various activities available to prisoners, ranging from sports fields, recreation halls, and fitness room as well as reading rooms - the library. While discussing about the convicts, the Director noted that in the High Security Prison are serving the sentence mostly defendants for serious criminal offenses such as murder, organized crime, war crimes, terrorism etc, ie serious criminal offenses punishable more than 15 years of imprisonment.

Newly appointed judges were divided in two groups and together with the staff of the center visited the environment of the institutions, the conditions and activities provided by this institution.

Beneficiaries of this training were newly appointed judges of ITP, VI generation.

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