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Initial Training Program for prosecutors – sixth generation, in the Justice Academy of Turkey

In the framework of the several years of cooperation of the Kosovo Academy of Justice with the Turkish Justice Academy and with the support of the Turkish Agency for International Development (TIKA), on April 2-6, 2018, the training program "Organized Crime and Terrorism" was organized at the Turkish Academy of Justice, for the sixth generation of prosecutors who have just completed initial training at the Kosovo Justice Academy.

Delegation of Kosovo led by the Executive Director of the Academy Mr. Valon Kurtaj, comprising of the Academy’s staff, Director of the KPC Secretariat and other officials of KPC, as well as the Prosecutors, besides attending the training, had the opportunity to visit judicial institutions of Turkey, with the purpose of exchanging experiences in various aspects, including the topic that currently represents a global concern – the organized crime and terrorism.

The delegation started with the reception and training held at the Turkish Academy of Justice, which featured organizational structures, units and facilities, human and financial resources capacity, initial training in Turkey, ways and requirements to be selected in the profession and similar topics. 

In the following days, it was continued with trainings in the area of combating terrorism, always drawing parallels and making comparisons between the two systems in the criminal law area, that regulate also the procedure for combating this phenomenon. 

This program was enriched with visits to the General Prosecution, where the delegation was welcomed by the Chief Prosecutor Mr. Mehmet Akarça, the visit to Ministry of Justice of Turkey welcomed by the Vice Secretary of the Minister of Justice, Mr. Musa Heybet, and at the Cassation Court where the General Secretary Mr. Yusuf Ziaedin presented to the delegation data on the courts system in Turkey.

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