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Technical skills for interviewing witnesses/ victims of war crimes, focusing on cases of sexual and gender violence in armed conflicts

On April 19-20 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with EULEX within its Continuous Training Program conducted training on Technical Skills for interviewing witnesses/ victims of sexual and gender violence in armed conflicts.

Purpose of this training was to enhance professional skills of participants through elaboration of practical cases related to technical skills for interviewing witnesses/ victims of sexual and gender violence in armed conflicts.

This training elaborated on war crime issues according to the international legislation and according to the laws in Kosovo. In this training it was discussed on issues that are related to elements of crimes that shall be proved, with particular emphasis on preparing an interview for a victim or witness that relates to war crimes, according to international criminal law, and related to identification of challenges during interviewing of witnesses and victims.

During the training, participants discusses cases from the case law, and through the work in groups it was demonstrated how to prepare and interview witnesses.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance from all regions of Kosovo.

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