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Workshop for discussion and drafting of normative and strategic acts, and the training curricula of the Academy of Justice

From April 24-27 2018, Academy of Justice conducted a workshop for discussion and drafting normative and strategic acts and the training curricula of the Academy of Justice.

This workshop focused on needs assessment for drafting normative acts of the Academy of Justice, the draft strategic plan for 2019-2021 including also the action plan and financial impact for its implementation, as well as discussion of other national strategic documents for the needs of the AJ training curriculum.

After analysis and numerous discussions, the working group drafted these documents based on the principles and legal mandate of the Academy of Justice. This workshop also discussed the assessment of the impact of the state strategies, the ERA, the PKZMSA, the EC report on Kosovo in the Academy training program, the framework training program, and the need to set training modules systematized according to the areas in the continuous training, as well as the need for specialized training strategies.

Participants were the Director of the Academy and staff from the Program Department and the Department of Administration and Finance.

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