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Training of Trainers of the Initial Training Program “Case-based initial training”

On May 2-3 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EU Twinning Project “Further support to legal education reform” conducted training for the judges and prosecutors of the civil and criminal law area, who at the same time are trainers of the Initial Training Program at the Academy of Justice on the Case-based training.


This training, initially presented the structure of the Initial Training Program with focus on changing the method of delivering these trainings into training through practical cases. Trainers explained the way to realize training on certain areas of law or procedural parts through practical examples.

Also, at this training it was discussed about the trainer’s possibilities for preparation and level of engagement of trainers at the training, as well as the best practices for an efficient transfer of practical knowledge to the newly appointed judges and prosecutors.

The participants were assigned tasks in working groups, divided according to the law areas (civil and criminal), with a goal of developing practical case through which they want to train the initial training beneficiaries on certain parts of legal procedures.

Participants of this training expressed their interest to make use of the method of training through practical cases in the future within the Initial Training Program of the Academy of Justice.

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