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Evidence in criminal procedure

On June 5th 2018, Academy of Justice supported by GIZ, conducted a training on the topic of “Evidence in Criminal Procedure”.

Purpose of this training was to enhance knowledge of participants related to implementation, importance, and the proving value of evidence for correct and comprehensive substantiation of the factual and procedural state.

This training elaborated on evidence in criminal procedure which during the proving process by the parties are evaluated by the judge for admissibility, respectively reliability of an evidence which proves an important legal fact, for proving or finding criminal liability of the defendants.

According to Criminal Procedure Code, it’s the judge’s responsibility to entirely estimate the quality of evidence, based on the conviction about reliability of that evidence, and what proving importance and value the evidence has for proving correctly and comprehensively a factual state in criminal proceeding.

The training was delivered in form of interactive discussions accompanied with practical examples where participants could present challenges and difficulties they face in practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were judges and prosecutors of the basic instance from different regions of Kosovo.

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