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Whistleblowing and protection of journalist sources

On May 24-25 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Reinforcing Judicial Expertise on Freedom of Expression and the Media in South-East Europe (JUFREX), organized a training on Whistleblowing and protection of journalist sources.

Purpose of this training was to extend the participants knowledge on freedom of expression focusing on regulation of slander that is made through the media.

During this training it was elaborated on whistleblowing according to the European Council and the initiative for European directive on protection of whistleblowers, the ECHR standards for protection of whistleblowing, as well as who is considered a whistleblower. Particular emphasis was put to prerequisites for making someone eligible to enjoy the whistleblowing protection. The border between freedom of expression and protection of confidentiality in a working context, as well as the ECHR test in cases of whistleblowing.

During this training attention was put on national legal framework for protection of whistleblowers. The Law on Protection of Informants and relevant articles in the Criminal Code. It was continued on covering the area of protection of journalists according to the Council of Europe and the national legal framework for protection of journalist sources.

The training was delivered in form of interactive discussions which elaborated on practical cases of whistleblowers and practical cases on protection of journalist sources, where participants could present their views about the topic and on practical implementation of the knowledge acquired from this training.

Beneficiaries of this training were: judges and prosecutors of the basic instance and professional associates.

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