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Practical training of newly appointed judges in the Anti-Corruption Agency

On June 6 2018, Academy of Justice in its Initial Training Program for the newly appointed judges conducted a visit in the Anti-Corruption Agency.

Purpose of this training was to inform the newly appointed judges with the role, function, tasks and responsibilities of this institution.

During the visit it was discussed about combating and preventing corruption, the suspected persons for corruptive actions, criminal reporting with respective institutions like the Sate Prosecution, Kosovo Police, cases referred based on the structure of the criminal offence, conducting investigation, termination of investigation, dismissal of cases.

Also, it was elaborated on the conflict of interest, asset and gift declaration and control, types of asset declaration, declaration upon appointment of senior public officials, control of asset declaration, as well as prevention of the conflict of interest.

This training used theoretical presentations and interactive discussions, where the newly appointed judges had the opportunity to make questions of interest for this training.

Beneficiaries of this training were the newly appointed judges of the ITP 6th generation.

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