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Report on the newly appointed prosecutors visit to the High Security Prison

On August 22nd 2018, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the Kosovo Correctional Service organized a visit to the High Security Prison in Gërdovc, for the newly appointed prosecutors (Generation VII). 

Purpose of this visit was to inform the newly appointed prosecutors with the role, the work, functioning and conditions in the High Security prison.

In this visit the prosecutors were welcomed by the Director of this Prison who presented the organizational structure and functioning of this institution, control and management of prisoners, their conditions, the security system, and different activities that are available for the prisoners.

The prosecutors also had the opportunity to visit the facility and see the areas where prisoners develop their sports activities, recreation rooms and the library. Also the prosecutors were informed about the capacity of this prison, categorization, visitation order, and other aspects that directly relate to the prosecutors work.

Participants considered this a productive visit and necessary for their work in the future.

Beneficiaries of this training were the newly appointed prosecutors (7th generation) 2018-2019.

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