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Meeting of the Executive Director of the Academy of Justice with the UNHCR Chief of Mission in Kosovo

Pristina October 25th 2018, Executive Director of the Academy of Justice Mr. Valon Kurtaj hosted in a meeting Mr. Erol Arduç, the UNHCR Chief of Mission in Kosovo.

Mr. Kurtaj expressed gratitude for the UNHCR for supporting the Academy and cooperation in accomplishing different activities for professional growth of the judicial system.  Mr. Kurtaj informed Mr. Arduç with the mission, functions, mandate and activities that are carried out by the Academy of Justice.

On the other hand, UNHCR Chief of Mission in Kosovo, expressed readiness for support and further cooperation with the Academy of Justice, serving the judicial system’s professional capacity development, in areas of migration and asylum.

At the end of this meeting. Mr. Arduç, visited the training rooms and the library of the Academy of Justice.

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