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Drafting the Sentencing Policies Handbook

London, 13-16 November 2018, within the scope of the workshops organized by UNDP related to supporting implementation of the Handbook for Sentencing Policies, as part of the Sentencing Policies Committee, Mr. Valon Kurtaj – Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, participated in a visit in London to see the best practices of the sentencing policies that are applicable in the United Kingdom.

Main purpose of this visit was to obtain best practices of the United Kingdom related to the sentencing policies, where the delegation was also closely informed about the work of the Central Criminal Court, the Supreme Court and the UK Sentencing Guidelines Council.

Also, under the auspices of the Albanian-British Lawyers Association Lawyers, the Kosovar delegation attended the lecture on “The past, the present and the future of the Kosovo’s Justice System”, which was held in the premises of the Kosovo’s Embassy in the United Kingdom.

This visit was also attended by: the President of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, The Chief State Prosecutor, representatives of the US Embassy in Kosovo, the UK Embassy in Kosovo, President of the Basic Court of Prishtina, President of the Kosovo’s Chamber of Advocates, judges of all instances and UNDP representatives.

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