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Training of trainers “Curriculum design and conducting presentation”

During November 13-15, under the auspices of the Regional Project of the Justice Sector “Strengthening the Criminal Justice Institutions and Rule of Law in the Central and Eastern Europe”, supported by the US Department of Justice, Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development and Assistance (OPDAT), the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law enforcement Affairs, as well as the Croatian Ministry of Justice, representatives of the Academy of Justice participated in the training of trainers on “Curriculum design and conducting presentation”.

This training targeted to use the learning techniques and advanced adult teaching methodologies, in order to improve the curriculum design and presentations skills for the academies of judicial and prosecutorial training of the region.

This training elaborated on very important issues for the work of trainers, like: main principles of a successful lecturing, preparing a training plan for presentation, the art of critique – moderating and interactive training and how to deliver critiques, visual aspects and nowadays technology, the planning and presentation skills, as well as independent exercises in training.

Participants of this training were divided in groups and developed tasks related to planning and preparing a training program for a certain topic, and each of the group members presented separate parts of the training, and they all received and made critiques about other groups.  

Participants in this training were judges, prosecutors, lawyers, other professionals and representatives of the judicial training institutions of the Western Balkans.

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