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The 6th steering Committee Meeting of the iPROCEEDS Project

On March 29 2019, the iPROCEEDS Project held its sixth Steering Committee Meeting held in Bucharest, Romania.

Purpose of this meeting was to inform the steering committee about project implementation, in determining the necessary strategies for project implementation, as well as determining the needs of national authorities to support capacity increase in the future.

The meeting initially presented activities carried out during July - December 2018, from the office of the Cybercrime Program of the Council of Europe. It further discussed about the legislation on cybercrimes, coordinated cybercrimes, cyber security policies and strategies, and public reporting systems.

During the meeting it was discusses about capacity empowerment of the specialized investigation units and cooperation between cybercrime agencies, financial investigators, prosecutors, FIU representatives and experts of the cyber security, as well as cooperation between criminal justice authorities and providers of the national and multi-national service providers. Particular emphasis was put on discussion of the Training Programs on cybercrime that are organized for judges and prosecutors, international cooperation and information exchange.

The last session was dedicated to the future plans and needs of national authorities, in which case, representatives of all participating regions could take the floor and present their needs in this area.

Republic of Kosovo in this meeting was represented by: prosecutors, senior police officials from the cybercrime department and Acting Head of the Continuous Training Program at the Academy of Justice.

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