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New Juvenile Justice Code

April 18 and 19 2019, Academy of Justice supported by UNICEF within its Continuous Training Program conducted two training on the “New Juvenile Justice Code”.

Purpose of these trainings was to encourage police officials and juvenile law prosecutors to apply diversity measures for juveniles, as one of the most efficient and suitable measures for children in conflict with the law, and the legal criteria set forth in the Juvenile Justice Code for guarding and protecting all the rights according to international standards and the human rights.

Most attention was paid to the principles of the Juvenile Justice Code, the matter of mediation, diversity measures and their types. It was also discussed about novelties to the new Juvenile Justice Code as well as procedures that shall take place in order the implementation is fair and in compliance with the law.

This training used combined methodology of teaching, with theory and interactive discussion, where the beneficiaries were informed about novelties to this law and the procedure that has to be applied in cases that they face while exercising their profession.

Beneficiaries of tis training in the first day were prosecutors and investigative police from the region of Prishtina, Gjilan and Ferizaj, whereas the second day present were prosecutors and investigative police from Prizren, Gjakova and Peja.

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