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Module 2 – Work management in the prosecutorial system administration

April 26-27 2019, Academy of Justice within its Continuous Training Program (CTP) conducted training on “Module 2 – Work management in the prosecutorial system administration”.

Purpose of this training was application of the best practices of planning, management and decision making implementing work tasks according to the rules set forth based on objectives of the Prosecutorial Council.

This training elaborated on management and leadership, planning and decision making, internal and external working procedures, as well as efficiency and accountability of the administrative staff.

During discussions its was evaluated on the processes and internal procedures that recommended changes and improvement with the purpose of achieving working efficiency. So, particular attention was paid to their suggestions in finding the ways for change and improvement.

Second days of the training participants had the opportunity to work in groups and use the knowledge they obtained during the first day and from their personal experience to reveal their ideas for a better organization and conclusion of the working tasks.

Beneficiaries of this training were heads if organizational units of the Prosecutorial Council Secretariat (KPCS), staff of the unit for prosecutorial performance review, assistant administrators, administrators of prosecutorial offices and heads of registry offices.

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