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Module 5 “Organized Crime“


Kosovo Judicial Institute on February 1 and 7, 2011, conducted training sessions from the module 5, on the topic” Organized Crime”.

Some of the objectives of these trainings were that the beneficiaries as a result of these sessions will be able to:

  • To identify the types of crimes that fall under the category of offences of organized crime,
  • To distinguish these criminal offences with other offences that are similar,
  • To implement in practice the measures for combating organized crime.

Issues which were included in the first round of this training were: human trafficking, trafficking in dangerous drugs and psychotropic substances, corruption as part of organized crime, the informal economy and money laundering. 
While in the second phase the focus was more on the measures for combating these offences such as: covert technical measures of investigation and surveillance, protected witnesses and cooperative witnesses. 
The beneficiaries of these sessions were judges and prosecutors at all levels.


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