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Press Release

Republika e Kosovës

Republika Kosova/Republic of Kosovo

Instituti Gjyqësor i Kosovës/Kosovski Institut za Pravosudje/Kosovo Judicial Institute

Press Release


The OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Department of Human Rights and Rule of Law, established a sector for judicial training in February 2000, later in adopted by the Kosovo Assembly in 2006. As the main institution responsible to provide professional trainings for current office holders of the judiciary in Kosovo, KJI as an independent public professional body organized a great number of activitiesfor the professional development of judges, prosecutors and other professionals in the area of the judiciary

Within the Continuous Legal Education Program since January 2000 up to April 2011, KJI organized and implemented around 800 training sessions for judges, prosecutors, lawyers, police officers, customs and other professionals within the judiciary.

Whereas in 2010, KJI begin the implementation of the Program for Promotion which is mandatory for judges and prosecutors who either have been promoted or are moving into a new positions, in this direction KJI also implemented various activities in the field of research and publications.

Within the Initial Legal Education Program, 11 May 2011, was held the solemn ceremony for the fourth generation of the candidates for judges and prosecutors of Kosovo.

On 12 May 2011 will commence the training program for the fourth generation of the candidates for judges and prosecutors. 53 candidates of the first and second generation were appointed as judges and prosecutors, whereas 32 candidates of the third generation are still undergoing the training program at the Kosovo Judicial Institute (practical part-mentoring) in courts and prosecution offices.

This ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Kosovo Ms. Atifete Jahjaga. The President made a speech honoring the event.

“Ms. Lavdim Krasniqi the Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute during his speech said that; I must say that the path here was very challenging; but together we overcome these challenges.

Whereas Mr. Fejzullah Hasani the President of the Supreme Court of Kosovo and the Head of the KJI Managing Board said; “This training program marked the commencement of a new way for recruitment of the judges and prosecutors which are being prepared by the Kosovo Judicial Institute. These candidates, after the vetting process will support the judicial and prosecutorial system of Kosovo in its efficient and effective development. 

Mr. Hajredin Kuçi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice said “While the Ministry of Justice is engaged every day in creating a highly sophisticated legal infrastructure, a great deal of its investments goes in creation of better opportunities and conditions that these laws are implemented. It is exactly at this point, that major responsibility is handed over to the Court and to you as future judges and prosecutors of this system”.

Mr. Enver Peci, Head of the Judicial Council of Kosovo during his speech stated that:” The continuation of this training program is a step forward in our attempts to increase the number of judges and prosecutors and to reduce the back log of cases so with this program certainly we will have well prepared and professional candidates that are able to face the numerous cases. Mr. Peci one again emphasized its commitment to support KJI on his work.  

Mr. Kabashi stated that: The organization of the Initial Legal Education Program is a step toward the fulfillment of the professional criteria’s by following the best practices in preparation of the new prosecutors around the Europe  

The practice has shown that with the completion of this program the candidates are ready to face the challenges in the most professional manner. 

Mr. Krasniqi continued emphasizing that “since its establishment established by the OSCE in 2000, and especially with the adoption of the law by the Kosovo Assembly in 2006. As the main institution responsible to provide professional trainings for current office holders of the judiciary in Kosovo, but since 2008 KJI paid a special attention in preparation of the candidates for future judges and prosecutors

This ceremony was attended by representatives of UNDP, USAID, European Commision Office in Prishtina, EULEX, GIZ, UN Women and other representatives from local and international institutions.

To mark this special occasion the President of Kosovo presented to Mr. Avni Mehmeti, the candidate who made the highest score on the Preparatory/Entry Exam, a special edition course books which will be used during the Initial Legal Education Program in 2011.

The first class of new candidates for judge and prosecutor of the third generation twill begin 12 May 201. Upon successful completion of the training, the competent authority will recommend the candidates to the President of Kosovo that the candidates be appointed as judge or prosecutor.

For further information about the subject matter or schedule and interview with Mr. Lavdim Krasniqi, Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute, please call at 038 512 203.

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