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Workshop for discussion of the monitoring plan and the strategic plan and training curriculum of the Academy of Justice

April 30 - May 3, 2019, Academy of Justice conducted workshop on Discussion and drafting of the monitoring plan, strategic plan and training curriculum of the Academy of Justice.

Purpose of this workshop was to prepare the work monitoring plan and the strategic plan, and training curriculum of the Academy of Justice, including publication standards, and needs assessment for the framework training program of the Academy of Justice.

After analysis and thorough discussions, the working group prepared a draft of the Work Monitoring Plan for 2019, and the Strategic Monitoring Plan, also it identified possible risks for implementation of the planned activities. Besides these documents, working group also prepared the standards for publication papers in the AJ magazines, and discussed the possibility to prepare a framework training program (2-3 years) that would set the structure of the program.

Participants were AJ, Executive Director, Program Department staff and Department of Administration and Finance.

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