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The Justice Academy and the GIZ sign a Memorandum of Understanding for development of joint activities for 2019-2020 and a Memorandum of Understanding on the Transfer of Ownership and Other Copyright Rights for 4 legal publications

Prishtina, 29 July 2019, A meeting was held between Ms. Luljeta Hetemi, - Acting Executive Director of the Academy of Justice and Mr. Karl Weber – Head of GIZ - Legal and Administrative Reform Project (GIZ-LARP).

At the beginning of this meeting, Mr. Weber congratulated Mrs. Luljeta for taking over the position of the Acting Executive Director of the Academy of Justice, pointing out that GIZ and he personally are available to support her during the exercise of this function.

Mrs. Hetemi thanked GIZ for the continued support that GIZ has provided to the Academy in the accomplishment of its functions.

Whereas, as a main topic of this meeting was the discussion on joint activities and the signing of the Agreement for the implementation of these activities during 2019-2020, as well as signing of several Memorandums of Understanding between AJ, GIZ and authors of publications such as: Introduction to the legal system in Kosovo, Legal Dictionary, General Administrative Procedure Handbook and the recently published Human Rights Handbook on the transfer of copyright owned by the Academy of Justice. The purpose of all this is for the accessibility of these publications to the Academy's beneficiaries and the possibility of reprint for the needs of the judiciary.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Weber informed Ms. Hetemi that GIZ is in the process of printing some copies of these publications, due to the enormous demands of the judiciary and the legal community in general.

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