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The OSCE LSMS Reports Positively Impact the Kosovo Judicial Institute's 2012 Curriculum

The OSCE LSMS Reports Positively Impact the Kosovo Judicial Institute's 2012 Curriculum.

On November 14-16, 2011, 23 judges and prosecutors, KJI staff and the KJI Special Advisor (8 females and 15 males) attended a curriculum drafting workshop to develop the 2012 training program for all three of KJI's training programs. 
The curriculum for the continuing legal education program, the initial legal education program and the promotion training program will address the training needs necessitated by the New Law on the Courts and the New Law on Prosecution.
In addition, the training programs are incorporating the recommended topics set forth in
OSCE's LSMS reports. For example, the recommendations in the recently released trafficking report have been incorporated into the trafficking course curriculum for 2012. As stated by Special Prosecutor, Besim Kelmendi, "[I]t is very helpful to work directly with the OSCE Special Advisor to assure our existing trafficking curriculum addresses the OSCE trafficking report recommendations. This assures that the work of the LSMS legal monitors comes full circle to impact the substantive training provided to Kosovo's judges and prosecutors."
The OSBE, SMSL report has positive impact on 2012 Curriculum of the Kosovo Judicial Institute

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