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KJI Staff training “Generating EU Funds”

On January 24, 2013, KJI in cooperation with RIPA International, supported by the UK Embassy in Kosovo within the framework of the project "Strengthening the Anti-Corruption Policies and Kosovo's integration in the EU” has implemented a KJI staff training on the topic “Generating EU Funds”.

The purpose of the training was for the KJI staff to advance skills in generating EU funds to develop proposals for the development and promotion of the activities of KJI. This workshop was combined with practical exercises, questions, answers, and various discussions.

The focus of the training was the presentation of the EU supporting funds and resources, the development of the proposal within the time limit and action plan, bid preparation and completion of the bidding documents, bid evaluation process, the most common errors in the process as well as tips for avoiding mistakes during the bidding proposal for the generation of EU funds. 

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