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On 01 September 2010, the Kosovo Judicial Institute (KJI) held a ceremony commemorating the start of the mandatory Initial Legal Education Program for the third generation of the candidates for judges and prosecutors.

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Department of Human Rights and Rule of Law, established a sector for judicial trainingin February 2000, later in adopted by the Kosovo Assembly in 2006. As the main institution responsible to provide professional trainings for current office holders of the judiciary in Kosovo, KJI as an independent public professional body organized a great number of activitiesfor the professional development of judges, prosecutors and other professionals in the area of the judiciary.

Within the frame of Continuous Legal Education Program, since 2000 until 2010, KJI held around 700 training sessions with over 15,000 attendees (judges, prosecutors, lawyers, police and custom officers and other professional in the area of judiciary). Whereas in 2010, KJI begin the implementation of the Program for Promotion which is mandatory for judges and prosecutors who either have been promoted or are moving into a new positions, in this direction KJI also implemented various activities in the field of research and publications.

On 03 September 2010, the Kosovo Judicial Institute will commence the training program for the third generation of the candidates for judges and prosecutors of Kosovo. 30 candidates of first generation that graduated on December 2009, has been subject to the vetting process where some of the respective candidates have been appointed as judges or prosecutors depending on their profile. 23 candidates of second generation are still attending the third phase of the program.   
Mr. Lavdim Krasniqi , Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute said that, “In order to get to this historical day, Kosovo Judicial Institute has been through a very long, difficult and challenging journey”.
During this ceremony Mr. Fejzullah Hasani, the chairperson of the Kosovo Judicial Council, stated: “this program supported and will continue to support the vetting process of judges and prosecutors of Kosovo and I encourage KJI to continue its commitment providing the Legal Education Program for judges and prosecutors and candidates for future judges and prosecutors of Kosovo”.
Mr. Krasniqi stated that: “since KJI establishment by the OSCE and its adoption by the Kosovo Assembly in 2006. As an independent institution KJI aims to provide legal education for all judges and prosecutors of Kosovo with the special attention to the training program for the professional preparation of future generations for judges and prosecutors.  
To mark this special occasion the President of Kosovo presented to Mr. Visar Vehapi, the candidate who made the highest score on the Preparatory/Entry Exam, a special edition course books which will be used during the Initial Legal Education Program in 2010/2011.
The ceremony was attended by the Minister of Justice, UNDP Director for Kosovo, USAID Director for Kosovo, the head of the European Commission office in Prishtina, EULEX representatives, Director of the Training Academy of Macedonia and other representatives from local and international institutions attended the ceremony.
The first class of new candidates for judge and prosecutor of the third generation twill begin 03 September 2010, and continue for 15 months. Upon successful completion of the training, the competent authority will recommend the candidates to the President of Kosovo that the candidates be appointed as judge or prosecutor.


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