News and Activities - Archive


Meeting of the Editorial Board of the Academy of Justice Magazines

On 18 September 2019, in Pristina, was held following meeting of the Editorial Board of the Academy of Justice magazines.

The purpose of this meeting was to review the work of newly appointed Judges and Prosecutors who have completed the Initial Training Program and distribution for assessment of their paper work for publication in Justicia Magazine.

In its review of the proceedings, the Editorial Board identified 54 paper works by judges and 22 paper works by prosecutors, and classified them by fields. Further during the review of the work the board decided to ask the authors to reduce their work to a maximum of 15 pages in order to proceed further.

At the end of the meeting, the members of the Editorial Board of the Academy of Justice Magazines agreed that once the authors have reduced their work in the shortest possible time, they should conduct the assessment and publish the selected paper works in Justicia magazine.

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