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Graduating Ceremony of candidates for judges and prosecutors

Instituti Gjyqësor i Kosovës/Kosovski Institut za Pravosudje/  Kosovo Judicial Institute

Press Release

On 03 December 2010, the Kosovo Judicial Institute (KJI) held a ceremony commemorating the graduation of the second generation of judges and prosecutors and the accomplishment of the 15 months training program organized by the Kosovo Judicial Institute.

Mr. Lavdim Krasniqi opened the ceremony by saying: Twelve months have been past since the graduation of the first generation of the candidates for judges and prosecutors, so here we are today together in the same hall to mark another success of the Kosovo judicial Institute, the graduation of the second generation of t he candidates for judges and prosecutors.

Mr. Krasniqi continued, the speech with the words: This success shows that the Kosovo Judicial Institute is a sustainable institution in line with the highest international standards in providing quality legal education to the sitting judges and prosecutors, in particular in preparing potential candidates for judges and prosecutors.”

In the end of his speech Mr. Krasniqi acknowledges the work of candidates by wishing them great success and asking them to be impartial, to respect the law and work with dignity on each case that they will try in the future; he ended the speech with a quote by Mother Tereza:  "Life is a challenge, meet it”.

The President of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, Mr. Fejzullah Hasani, and the Chairperson of the Managing Board of KJI during his speech stated: “This generation of judges and prosecutors represents the success of the Kosovo Judicial Institute’s Initial Legal Education Program a 15 months program for preparation of the new judges and prosecutors.” The Kosovo Judicial Institute have faced lots of challenges toward the capacity building and professional preparation of judges and prosecutors in order to ensure the rule of law and fair and impartial judiciary for all citizens of the Republic of Kosovo.

During this ceremony were present: Mr. Jakup Krasniqi, A.C. President of the Republic of Kosovo Mr. Fejzullah Hasani , President of the Supreme Court of Kosovo, Mr. Ismet Kabashi, State Chief Prosecutor, Mr. Enver Peci, Head of the Judicial Council of Kosovo, Mr. Michael J. Murphy, D.P. Ambassador of USA in Kosova, who also will have his word of honor.

At the end of the ceremony the President of the Republic of Kosovo , the President of the Supreme Court, State Chief Prosecutor, and Head of the Judicial Council of Kosovo and the Director of the Kosovo Judicial Institute distributed the diplomas to the candidates for judge and prosecutors for completion successfully their mission.   

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