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Judgements and types of judgements according to the LCP provisions, main trial and obtaining of evidence

On October 26, 2019, the Academy of Justice, within the framework of its activities for free professions, at the request of the Free Legal Aid Agency in support of GIZ, conducted a training on: “Judgments and types of judgments according to LCP and Main trial and obtaining of evidence”.

The purpose of this training was to properly implement the legal provisions governing the main trial by free legal aid officers. 

The following issues were addressed during this training: Types of judgments and the conditions for their issuance, the content of the judgment and the reasoning of each type of judgment, as well as the identification of cases when evidence have been obtained during trial

Also during the training were discussed cases from the practice of free legal aid officers, where were discussed the following topics: Evaluation, drafting and justification of types of judgments by merits, as well as examination of evidence.

Beneficiaries of this training were 13 officials of the Free Legal Aid Agency from all regions

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