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Integrity and ethics

November 6-7 2019, Academy of Justice within its training program for administrative staff of courts and prosecution offices conducted training on Integrity and ethics.

Purpose of this training was improvement in adhering to ethical conduct and placement of moral integrity standards and instructions for personal and professional conduct of judicial and prosecutorial administrative staff.

This training elaborated on issues of judicial and prosecutorial issues in Kosovo, with particular emphasis on ethical conduct. This training highlighted that priority of the judicial and prosecutorial system is increase of professional performance, ensuring the right practical implementation of principles and ethical standards in compliance with the Code of ethics like: professionalism, discipline at work, impartiality, independence, confidentiality, avoiding conflict of interest, and misconduct, honesty and accountability.

In order to have a greater image of the judicial and prosecutorial system, administrative staff has to respect the rules and standards of ethics not only during their working time, but outside the office as well, because they reflect the image of employees in the judicial and prosecutorial system.

Beneficiaries of this training were administrative staff of courts and prosecution offices from all regions of Kosovo.

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