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Trafficking in human beings

December 6th 2019, Academy of Justice in cooperation with the EU funded Project implemented by the European Public Law Organization conducted training on “Combatting trafficking in human beings”.

Purpose of this training was to strengthen the fight and correct implementation of the applicable legislation on these types of criminal offences.

The training initially, elaborated on legal aspects of trafficking in human beings, understanding the victim and the victim perspective. Focus of the training was on protection of the victim before and during the criminal proceeding, the support, rehabilitation and reintegration of the victim in the society.

This training provided practical cases that emphasize that trafficking in human beings is a widespread phenomenon and profitable activity of organized crime, reaching same dimensions with the drugs and weapon smuggling crimes. Therefore, it was required from participants to understand correctly elements of the crime of trafficking in human beings, and recognize forms how the victims of trafficking can be used in fruitful fight against these crimes.

Beneficiaries of this training were administrative staff of the judicial and prosecutorial system.

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