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IPROCEEDS Project Closing Conference - Evaluating Progress Made and Further

On 09-10 December 2019, in Strasburg-France was held the closing conference of the project iPROCEEDS - Evaluation of the Progress achieved and further steps in the cybercrime area and electronic evidence.

The purpose of the Closing Conference was to evaluate the progress in each of the seven project areas for the period 2016 - 2019, based on the results of the seven final evaluation missions, the initial situation report drafted at the beginning of the project and the project logical framework, with particular emphasis on performance indicators related to Cybercrime, electronic evidence, financial investigations and money laundering. 

The Conference focused on reviewing the results and challenges during the project implementation, exchange of best practices, case studies and successes achieved in the last 48 months in the field of cybercrime, electronic evidence. Whereas, the participants in this Conference were informed about the launch of a new project based on the training needs assessment of institutions in relation to cybercrime and professional development of judges and prosecutors.

Participants during this conference shared their experiences, best practices as well as the needs and priorities related to this area, including the steps to be taken in relation to a network of local cybercrime prosecutors and electronic evidence. This conference was supported by the Council of Europe with the participation of: Project Team Members - Cybercrime Units, Financial Investigation Units, Prosecutors, Financial Intelligence Units (FIU), Ministry of Justice, Local Trainers and Judicial Training Institutions from Kosovo, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Northern Macedonia and Turkey.

Beneficiaries of this training were: Head of the Judicial Council, Prosecutors, Trainers of the Academy in this field, Director of the Department of International Legal Cooperation from the Ministry of Justice, Head of the Cybercrime Investigation Sector - Kosovo Police, Head of Investigation Unit Integrated Finance – Kosovo Police Representatives from the Department of Advanced and Specialized Training - Kosovo Police and Senior Officer from the CTP, Academy of Justice.

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