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On June 28, 2012, KJI conducted the next training session on the topic “Ensuring the Law-Suit”.

On June 28, 2012, KJI conducted the next training session on the topic “Ensuring the Law-Suit”.

As a result of this training participants will be able to:
• Distinguish cases when the law-suit should be allowed to be ensured.
• Apply in practice the insurance of the law-suit.
• Distinguish the deadlines within which should be decided upon the submitted request.
• Compare the provisions of the Execution Procedure and Law on Contested Procedure regarding the insurance of law-suit institute.

The training addressed novelties that the LCP contains regarding the insurance of law-suit institute compared to previous legal solution. Basic characteristics of the insurance procedure were also reviewed, the comparison between the provisions of the LCP and the LEP provisions related to insurance of the law-suit institute, temporary insurance measures. Also cases from the national case-law presenting the models of judicial decisions that were of interest to participants were addressed. The beneficiaries of this training were civil court judges at all levels and from all regions of Kosovo.

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