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Home News News 2013201220112010200920080 02.10.2012 CLEP Training: “Inheritance Law” CLEP Training: “Inheritance Law”

Relying on the objectives of this training the participants will be able to: 
- Apply properly the principles and general rules on inheritance;
- Implement forms of inheritance by law and will;
- Interpret and apply the competences of the courts;
- Apply properly the way of opening and sharing the inheritance, and 
- Interpret the inheritance procedure remedies.

During the training, were explained the grounds for inheritance (law and testament), ceding the property alive, exemption from inheritance and debts of the decedent, the review of the inheritance of wealth found later and compulsory share of inheritance. At the training were given appropriate recommendations on how to implement the legal provisions on the inviolability of the compulsory share of inheritance, unworthiness to inherit and the issue of the decedent's debts. Also practical cases containing heritage elements through the application of group work were addressed in this training.

Beneficiaries of this training were civil judges from all the regions of Kosovo. 

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