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Training of Trainers: Drafting of the Module – ECHR/KJI/IRZ

On 8-10 October 2012, with the support of IRZ, KJI organized a three days training on: “Drafting the Module on European Convention on Human Rights” (ECHR).

As a result of this training the ECHR trainers will be able to:
•  Draft and apply the training module on European Convention on Human Rights within the Continuous Legal Education Program, 
•  Draft and apply the training module on European Convention on Human Rights within the Training Program for Promotion of newly appointed judges.

During this session were defined the topics assigned to the ECHR trainers in training newly appointed judges, were drafted the agendas and training calendar for ECHR activities. During the training, participants had the opportunity to practice the way of applying in the Human Right Court in Strasburg and planning the training activities for October and November.
Participants of this training were KJI trainers on European Convention on Human Rights.

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