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CONFERENCE – Joint Reference Protocol

On 27 September 2012, KJI in cooperation UNICEF organized a conference in the field of Juvenile Justice on the topic: Joint Reference Protocol.

The conference aimed in presenting of the draft joint reference protocol in the field of juvenile justice and listening to the comments and suggestions regarding this protocol, by the judges, prosecutors and officials of institutions of juvenile justice in Kosovo, who attended the conference.

The role of this protocol in the juvenile justice area and its purpose in creating unique practice in this area was addressed. 

During the discussions, juvenile judges and prosecutors as well as police officers, probation service officers, social work center officers and mediators, made their comments to reflect the work of each institution and the inclusion of best practices in this Protocol, in accordance with the standards and international practices.

Participants in the conference were municipal and district court judges, municipal and district prosecutors, regional directors of probation service, representatives of the Centre for Social Work and the Kosovo Police.

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