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Module - "Personal and interdisciplinary skills" - Case management

On 04, 05 and 06 May 2020, the Academy of Justice, within the Initial Training Program, is conductin three (3) training sessions under the module: "Case Management", with trainers Mr. Valdet Gashi - Prosecutor in the Special Prosecution and Mr. Ardian Hajdaraj- Prosecutor in the Basic Prosecution in Peja- Serious Crimes Department.

Topics that are being addressed are: Management and its characteristics, planning as the main function of management, evidence, sources and their collection, as well as investigative files, maintenance of case files and drafting of files through the electronic form "Smil", commencement of case investigation and confrontation of prosecutors with endangered cases during the investigation.

The training is taking place in a virtual form and the newly appointed prosecutors have the opportunity to talk as well, elaborate cases from a practical point of view.

Participants in the training are 12 newly appointed prosecutors of the VIII generation, 2019-2020.

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