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Seminar on the Basics of European Union Law and Policy

The Academy of Justice and the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ) will conduct a joint seminar on: "Basis of European Union Law and Policy", which will be conducted as part of the initial training for newly appointed judges (generation VII).

In this training activity will present the honorable Prof. Dr. Jan Bergmann, Senate Chair at the Baden-Württemberg Senior Administrative Court, who will share his many years of experience and expertise with newly appointed judges.

Among the issues that will be addressed during this activity will be:

• Basic structures of the European Union - the European Union as an unfinished Federal State, and the European Union as a community of law;

• European Internal Market - the prohibition of discrimination and fundamental freedom, the domestic judge as a European judge, the European system of legal protection and prejudice.

This activity will be conducted in a virtual form through the platform "Zoom", on May 19, 2020 from 09:45.

Participants in this seminar will be 37 newly appointed judges who are attending the initial training at the Academy of Justice.

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