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Sources of law, analogy and interpretation of legal capacity and the capacity to act of natural and legal persons, as well as legal affairs

June 2nd 2020, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program in cooperation with the EU Project on Support to Civil Code- Stage II, is conducting training on “Sources of the law, analogy and interpretation of the legal capacity and capacity to act of natural and legal persons, as well as legal affairs”.

Trainers at this event are Mr. Haxhi Gashi, Dean of the University of Prishtina’s Law Faculty, and Mr. Valon Hasani, Legal Expert of the EU Project.

Purpose of this training is extending the participants knowledge on finding legal sources for solving concrete cases, finding similarities in cases when the solution can be reached through analogy due to lack of specific provisions, and increasing their knowledge on importance of the legal capacity and the capacity to act.

Focus of this training was on the following: sources of law, analogy and interpretation of the legal capacity and capacity to act of natural and legal persons; Definition of types of legal affairs and their validity – invalidity; Review of the cases of relative and absolute annulment of legal affairs.

This training also elaborated on consequences of invalidity of legal affairs, and distinction between absolute and relative invalidity, as well as novelties to the draft Civil Code that are different from the actual regulation where sources of law are mainly treated only in the theoretical aspect, whereas now, sources of the law are explicitly foreseen.

Training methodology was based on interactive discussions and elaborating on cases of the judicial practice.

Beneficiaries of this training were: judges of the basic instance (Civil division) from all regions, professional associates and legal officials.

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