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Judicial protection in labor disputes under the Labor Law

On 08 - 09 July 2020, the Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program, is conducting training on "Judicial protection in labor disputes under the Labor Law".

Trainers engaged on this training are: Mr. Qerim Ademaj, Judge of the Court of Appeals and Mr. Zenel Leku, Judge of the Court of Appeals.

The purpose of this training is to advance the knowledge of participants regarding the disputes from the employment relationship according to the legislation in force in the Republic of Kosovo.

The training focused on: Employment contracts and their types, Labor law disputes under labor law, Judicial procedure for the protection of labor rights, Respect of deadlines for seeking judicial protection

During the training, the following are alos elaborated: Disputes from the employment relationship according to the labor law, Types of employment contracts according to the Labor Law, Causes of termination of employment according to the Labor Law, Procedure before termination of the employment contract by employers, Judicial procedure for protection of labor rights, Protection of employees' rights within the employer's bodies, Protection of employees in the Court, Court decisions in cases when the illegality of termination of employment contract is ascertained, Respecting the deadlines for to seek judicial protection, Extension of domestic remedies to seek judicial protection, Legal consequences of non-compliance with deadlines to seek judicial protection under applicable law in labor disputes

The training methodology is based on interactive discussions, elaborating on various cases from the case law.

Beneficiaries of this training are: Judges of the Court of Appeals, basic courts and state attorneys.

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