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July 9-10 2020, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training in cooperation with the IFC/ World Bank project organized training on Insolvency. 

Trainers in this training are: Mr. Mahir Tutuli, judge in the Appeals court, Mr. Andres Federico Martinez, Senior Insolvency Expert, IFC/ World Bank Group Office in Washington D.C, Mr. Sergio Ariel Mura, Insolvency Expert, IFC/ World Bank Group Office in Washington D.C, Mr. Ardi Shita, Commercial Justice Expert/ Consultant of IFC/ World Bank Group.

Purpose of this training was increase of the judge’s professional expertise in this area with the purpose of establishing judicial practice in compliance with international standards and best practices of the regional countries, with the aim of implementing international tools that regulate this area.

Focus of this training was on Principles of the World bank and international standards.

The training elaborated on the following: general overview of the Insolvency law in Kosovo, COVID-19 and Insolvency, saving valuable companies, role of the court according to the Insolvency Law in Kosovo, as well as role of the administrator as per the Insolvency Law in Kosovo.

Training methodology was based on interactive discussions explaining different cases from the court case law.

Beneficiaries of this training ere judges of the basic instance from all regions of Kosovo, prosecutors from basic instance, and participants and administrative staff of courts.

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