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Necessary defense, extreme necessity and other circumstances that exclude the unlawfulness of the criminal offence

September 1 2020, Academy of Justice within the Continuous Training Program, is conducting training on “Necessary defense, extreme necessity and other circumstances that exclude the unlawfulness of the criminal offence”. 

Trainers engaged in this training are: Mr. Vaton Durguti – judge in the Special Department of the Appeals Court, and Mr. Burim Ademi – judge in the Special Department of the Appeals Court.

Purpose of this training is further increase of professional capacities of judges and prosecutors related to crimes that are committed in the necessary defense, extreme necessity, and those committed under the violence and threat.

Focus of this training is on the following: the necessary defense, exceeding the necessary defense, and the extreme necessity.

During the training it was elaborated on crimes committed under coercion, crimes committed under the impact of violence and threat, as well as other crimes of minor importance.

This training used interactive methods, case simulation, cases from practice and it had questions and answers for the topics included in this training.

Beneficiaries of this training are judges and prosecutors of the Appeals instance and of the basic instance from all regions.

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