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Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, legal effects and their enforcement

On September 29, 2020, the Academy of Justice, within the Continuous Training Program, is conducting training on "Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, legal effects and their enforcement."

Trainers engaged for this training are: Mr. Islam Sllamniku, permanent judicial trainer at the Academy of Justice, Mr. Rafet Haxhaj, Judge at the Court of Appeals Sevdail Kastrati, legal advisor to the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo.

The purpose of this training was to advance the knowledge of judges regarding the role of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo and its decisions, legal nature, effect and manner of their enforcement.

The training focused on: The Constitutional Court of Kosovo and the importance of its decisions; Decisions of the Constitutional Court and their effects; Decisions of the Constitutional Court and their types;

During the training are also elaborated: Decisions on incidental control in the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, implementation of decisions of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo, enforcement of the Constitutional Court decisions, Constitutional review of the decisions of regular courts by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo, exhaustion of legal remedies as a condition for initiating proceedings before the Constitutional Court, jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo

The training methodology is based on interactive discussions, elaborating different cases from the case law.

Beneficiaries of this training were: judges from the Court of Appeals, judges and prosecutors of the Basic level from all regions of Kosovo and professional associates.

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