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Meeting with representatives of the European Union Kosovo Justice Sector Program - EUKOJUST

October 8th 2020, Executive Director, Enver Fejzullahu hosted a meeting with Mr. Volkmar Theobald, the Project Team Leader, Mr. Cristian Nicoara - long term expert for criminal prosecution and criminal justice, and Mr. Dragomir Yordanov - long term expert for training and capacity building at the European Union Kosovo Justice Sector Program (EUKOJUST).

Director Fejzullahu initially thanked the program for the support provided for the Academy and informed them about achievements and challenges, processes of review and change, and he expressed readiness for strengthening cooperation in common areas of interest, for strengthening rule of law in Kosovo.

Representatives of this project, Mr. Theobald, Mr. Nicoara and Mr. Yordanov informed the AJ Director on implementation of the project that will ensure maximal benefit for all stakeholders in Kosovo, the action plan for the following three years of project implementation, and they reconfirmed that they will coordinate activities flow aiming further reform of the Kosovo’s justice system in compliance with the European and international standards.

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