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Forensic interviewing of children

On 09-10-11-12 November 2020, the Academy of Justice in cooperation with the OSCE, within the framework of the Continuous Training Program is conducting training through the Zoom platform on: “Forensic interviewing of children".

Trainers engaged in this training are: Mrs. Kay Durrant, International Experts / Trainers and Mr. Kujtim Munishi, Chief Prosecutor, Basic Prosecution, Prishtina.

The purpose of this training is to advance the professional knowledge of judges and prosecutors regarding the techniques and interviewing of children in helping the judicial system in a more advanced form, providing justice taking into account the well-being of the child and participants during the proceedings.

The methodology applied was of a combined nature, with theoretical explanations and interactive discussions.

Beneficiaries of this training are: judges, prosecutors, victim advocates and police officers.

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